I Don’t Get “Startups”

09/15/10 Joe

It’s a business. But we haven’t started it yet. Well, maybe it’s an idea, but we have people to implement it. Well, the people aren’t on board yet, -we need to offer them a lucrative salary. And we need an office, and about 6 months of operating expense to get going. And we might not be “profitable” for a while…

WTF ever happened to Ramen Noodles, and working till 3am? Where’s the passion? Where’s the drive?

Nobody needs an office these days. Nobody needs “operating expenses.”

You know what software to develop a million dollar company costs today? Zero dollars. Or if you want to splurge you can spend, maybe, $1000 on software that can do amazingly incredible things. Hard work + cheap tools will beat lazy + great tools every single day.

You need an Aeron, and a conference room? You need a company car, and a secretary? F. U.

We started out with a 3 year old laptop, and financed Macs. Apartment coffee tables, and care packages of beef stew from our parents. Our girlfriends scrubbed the floor of our first filthy office on their cute hands and knees. Our “conference table” was an old restaurant booth we found at salvage. We worked late, and worked hard.

We’re not rich now. Far from it. We’re still scrapping, and working our butts off. But we’re living on our own 2 legs, and working for nobody but ourselves. Even the people who were not here at the beginning know that we survive on nobody’s benevolence or wits but our own. It is the only, only way that makes any sense to us to live.

So go. Go suck off the corporate teet if you will. Maybe you’ll get lucky, and not ever have to care about anything in your life, – because caring about postponed success is a hard and sucky endeavor. But we little “startups” who are self funded go to bed at night late, exhausted, modestly employed, and happy as hell.