New Feature Added to Paprika. Email In.

08/18/10 Joe

Paprika email in Paprika is all about text. Simple text. And we made sure that any other application that dealt with text could talk to it quite easily. Every computer built in the last decade or two can talk to Paprika via copy & paste. But today, we’re making it cooler.

Now every paid (we’ll come back to this) Paprika account gets to receive email. When you email your Paprika account with a subject line that matches an existing project, your text gets appended to the end of the existing project. When you email a new subject line you will create a brand new project.

We think you’ll find all sorts of uses for this (We have!) When some one emails you something that needs done, mark it up Paprika style, and forward it to your account. When you’re stuck in traffic, and can’t get a good 3G connection (AT&T we’re looking at you) just send an email to your Paprika account, -it’ll go out when you get a signal. When you’re offline at a meeting, take notes in your email app, and shoot them to PK when you get time.

If we had it to do all over again, this would be in the launch feature-set. It’s so incredibly useful we just can’t believe we did without it. Unfortunately email is unavoidable. You get all sorts of info emailed to you on a repeatedly daily basis. When your simple productivity app can gulp those emails down, you just can’t imagine the difference it will make in your workflow.

Back to the “paid account” thing. We’re still running with our idea that our base app is incredibly useful, and it offers a ton of goodness for free. As we add functionality to the app, we’re going to charge for it. We hope we’ll add enough great stuff that our free users will see the value in an upgrade.

Paprika update
Here’s a totally honest update on the progress of Paprika so far.

  • Paprika is our fastest growing app in sheer numbers of users per month since launched.
  • It’s gotten more blog posts, and more tweets than any other app (within the timeframe)
  • It’s got our best conversion rate of testers to “real users” of all of our apps.
  • It’s also got our poorest upgrade percentage we’ve ever had. People try it, people like it, and people just keep on using the free account.

We’re incredibly happy with the progress of Paprika so far. But one thing is for sure. If we’re to make our money back on the hundreds of hours of time that went into the development (We know… such a simple app! but it takes more time than you would think to do it right) we need to keep adding cool new features to the paid account. We think $5 a month is an incredible bargain and we hope you’ll give it a shot. Go check out Paprika