Remember, You Make the Rules.

07/01/10 Kristin

I have a problem.

I need to learn more about “x” so I can write a solid article about “y.” There’s lots of info online about “x,” plus there’s this really interesting book sitting on my desk that I’m sure I could get a lot out of. The book is calling my name, and I really want to read it. But here’s my problem.

I know it’s weird, but it feels like I’m breaking the rules if I’m away from my computer much during normal work hours. Reading Boagworld, Bobulate, Kottke, or Daring Fireball in the middle of the afternoon feels fine- but the second I pick up a physical book, in my mind, I’m suddenly indulging a guilty pleasure. I know, I’m a nerd on a whole different level- but getting over a (however self-inflicted) restricting schedule could be the deal breaker when it comes to truly loving what you do.

Everybody talks about putting yourself in your most inspired environment, but I have my own version of this theory. I think to be truly inspired and creative, you have to first decide what’s holding you back in your current environment. Just changing everything sounds pretty drastic, don’t you think? And although sometimes a complete 180 might be just what the doctor ordered, a lot of times your craving can be satisfied on a smaller scale. So say you feel the urge to see a new place, because you’re convinced it’ll boost your motivation. Instead of picking up and moving to Bali, why don’t you try working from a corner cafe you’ve never been to?

My point is, changing small things in your workday can feel insignificant- but once you’ve made up your mind that it’s okay to check out the corner cafe, or read a book during the day, you won’t feel restricted by rules you’ve made up yourself.

So, knowing that picking up this book will make the article I’m going to write better, more informed, and of more use to you, the reader, makes the action worth indulging for…