What Rattles You?

06/02/10 Kristin

Silly grammar mistakes. People referring to a page within a site as a completely different website. Being blamed for something I didn’t do, or not being given any credit for something I did. Not feeling 100% confident about my own work. Oh, and oysters.

These are things that bug the ever-living crap out of me. Up until about a year ago, I just let them bug me- and shook them off. I thought that by not letting them get to me, I was being the better (bigger) person.

Then I came across a phrase that I’d seen a million times, but for whatever reason struck me differently this time.

If you don’t like it, change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.”

So really, here is this pile of problems that I’m pretty sure bug other people beside myself. It’s a pile of issues to be fixed- a pile of ideas to be made into reality… except for the oyster thing. I think I just have to stay as far away from them as possible.

So what makes you cringe every time you see it? What do you think there has to be a solution for? Don’t just sit back and be bugged. (Our industry hates bugs, after all…) but use your personal problems to create solutions for other people. The phrase “There’s an app for that” doesn’t apply to everything by chance! Don’t be afraid to make your projects personal. I mean, Eve Blossom got emotionally involved, and being an aggressive/disruptive entrepreneur worked out really well for her.