Hurry Up, But Don’t Rush.

06/30/10 Kristin

You’re never ready till you’re ready.

Even then, you might not be ready. Decisions need to be made, though, and the world won’t wait for you to waffle indefinitely.

Scott Belsky tweeted something today I found really relevant to not only business, but to life in general.

“I find the cost of indecision is often greater than the consequence of any decision you might make. Prototype and iterate.”

Of course, he knows a little something about making ideas happen- being the author of said book. But I got to thinking- what happens when you feel pressured, and aren’t sure you’re making the right decision? It’s human nature to doubt things.

So, rather than rush forward with a decision you’re not comfortable with and have to retrace your steps later, use the power of the pause.

“It’s through pause that value is sometimes found. In a culture where we’re racing to fill each moment with content and connectivity, we might consider what we can leave behind.

And instead of racing forward, we pause for a moment.”

Taking a carefully selected moment to decide doesn’t constitute as indecision. Make the most of your moment, though, because when the pause is over, you better be ready for action.