Don’t Panic!

06/08/10 Kristin

I was really ready to stop reading this article about halfway through, because it said you should only put present todos on your Project List.


If you’re anything like me, you have a todo list for:

  • Right now at work.
  • As soon as you get home.
  • The future.
  • Things you’d really like to do, but know you’ll probably never find the time for.
  • Things you need to tell other people to do.

That’s a lot of todos on one honker of a list, that’s for sure. But you can’t eliminate todos (because lets face it, you have to do them) and you’d like to keep them as “together” as possible. Then you end up spending more time organizing your lists than you do actually getting them done. Then it becomes a lost cause because every time you look at that list, the only thing in your head is “I don’t have time for this,” and you only end up adding to it, arranging it, re-arranging it, and being pissed because you didn’t check anything off of it.

Ahhhh life!

I wish there was a way to keep multiple todo lists in one place, easily identifiable by title, easily editable by textile, and easily check-off-able by a click of the mouse.

My love affair: Paprika. Not only can I keep my umpteen lists in one spot, but I can tag and date my notes (and then cross reference them with notes from my other lists)— in less time it takes to even pull up my old note-taking app. Oh, and that list about telling other people what to do? It’s as easy as clicking a button. Seriously, no sweat.

So, as it turned out, I could read the rest of that article with an open mind- and without wishing my browser would crash so I could have an excuse not to finish it. It also turned out that I can take the articles’ advice and only put “right now” items on my list. One of my lists, anyway.

See, all that panic for nothing…