Working Overtime Linked to Heart Disease Risk…

05/20/10 Kristin

Overtime leads to heart disease?

If nobody worked at all, it would probably read this way instead: “Too much relaxation and boredom linked to heart disease risk.”

Let’s go this route instead: “If you love your job, you’ll never work a day in your life.”

It makes no sense to me why everyone wouldn’t strive for this. Find what you love, and do it for a living. I agree, perpetual 11 hour days might be a bit much, but if you’re mentally engaged and productive- why would you want to do anything else?

I’m throwing excuses out the window. Loving your job is when your best work is done, it’s when you learn something new everyday, it’s when you’re motivated by your co-workers, it’s when you succeed. If this doesn’t sound good to you, maybe some soul-searching is in order…