Everybody wins.

05/04/10 Kristin

“One problem with approaching your work purely in terms of “getting more clients,” is that it means you will always have to get more clients. If you don’t work, you don’t have billable hours, so you don’t get paid. Time off will always feel like money down the drain. If you’re not careful, you’ll find yourself on a treadmill, unable to get off. Spend too long on the treadmill and you’ll risk burning yourself out.

Another problem is that you will expend all your energy and creative talent on other people’s projects. And what will you have to show for it? At best, a great portfolio, client list, and testimonials. But if you want to keep eating, you’ll need to keep working.”

Great point. We all know the dangers of getting caught up in too much work. It’s a slippery slope and you don’t want to find yourself apologizing for the three month content break on your blog. It can feel selfish to want to put your business first, but when clients see the care and devotion you give your own brand, it’s a positive reinforcement of the quality work you’ll turn out for them.

Everybody wins.

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