A Brand New App. Panicky Sweat.

01/15/10 Joe

As an exercise in creativity, I usually imagine all sorts of scenarios when we’re working on a new web app. Things like:

  • What would happen if we solved the opposite problem we’re trying to solve?
  • What would Apple do?
  • What would it look like if it was made in the 80’s? 90’s? 00’s? Ten years from now?

Recently I hit on another thought provoking question to ask myself:

  • What would terrify me if I saw it online the day before we launched this app?

Let’s tell ourselves the story to get full impact. You’ve been working on your app for months. The app is complete (enough to launch), the sales site is ready. The emails and the PR is queue’d up and ready. Tomorrow you will launch!

You head home for some much needed relaxation as you gear up for the slew of support requests and other launch-associated tasks headed at you. Time to unwind and spend some time catching up on the feeds you’ve been neglecting.

Then it happens. You click the first link and read about some new site that just launched. We’ll call it http://theotherapp.com. It does exactly what your app does, but it’s slicker, better, and is already getting great buzz.

You ought to be feeling the sweat right now. That feeling. That panic. Now quick, ask yourself these questions:

  • What does the site look like?
  • What feature does this site have that you didn’t have time for?
  • What are you jealous of?
  • What are the bloggers saying about it?

You might not have answers right away, but the change of context is fun, and mind altering. The acknowledgment that something could be better than what you’re working on gives you the freedom to imagine. The acceptance that the competitor could exist- but doesn’t yet- reminds you to keep focusing on the reaction of your customers.