Staction Gets Outside the Browser.

10/29/09 Paste Interactive

stairWhen we built Staction we imagined it as a format and a platform as well as an app. The simple tagging system begs to be extended outside of the bowser.

The first step towards that goal was the Staction API. The second step was built from the first, and we’re very happy to announce it today: The Staction AIR app.

Now Staction can live on your desktop, outside of your browser. The app encompasses all the most important features of the Staction web app, as well as some desktop class features like keyboard shortcuts, and update notifications that we’re very excited for you to try out.

We hope this is only the first of many new ways to access your Staction account via the API. We’re working internally and with outside developers to make sure that we push the Staction experience as far as possible…

Learn more and download the Staction AIR app here.