An email About Staction

10/03/08 Paste Interactive

We got an email through to support today that touches on a subject other people have been wondering. We’re including the original email, and our response.

“Whats the status of development now that yammer and has released their apps. is is still in active dev. What can we expect.”

And our response:

Thanks to writing to us about Staction. Both of the products you mentioned are great products, and could be quite useful for what they’re designed for. I can see several similarities with those products and ours. However, we’ve been developing Staction for quite some time, (well before we even knew of the other two products) and we’re on our own trajectory.

It’s very easy to get caught up thinking you have to compete with the other products on the market. It is business after all, -but we’re tend to take a different approach. We’re competing with ourselves. We believe that we’ve got a really great product in us that fits the way we work. It’s not just about lines of code, it’s about an idea.

We really embrace the ideas of rapid development, but we have a different take on that subject as well. Paste is about trying new things, and thinking of new ideas. Sometimes when you’re pushing your own envelope, you don’t get it right the first time. You need to keep grinding away at it until it feels right to you. We tend to believe if we can hit a homerun for ourselves, a lot of other people will like it as well. We get to a working version very quick, but that doesn’t mean we’ll release it just because it’s done… We use the beta as an actual beta. We test a lot of ideas, and only put out a few.

In short, we’re working daily to make Staction better. We’ve got a major rev to the interface we’re testing right now that’s been created based on watching ourselves, and our users interact with the app. We’ll take some time with that one and see where it goes. Believe me we’re just as anxious as you are. But not so anxious that we’re ready to sign our name to something that’s not up to our standards, just to have it finished quicker.

Thanks for helping us improve Staction in the beta.