It's Up To Us.

09/02/08 Paste Interactive

If it weren’t for computer game manufacturers ruthlessly pushing the boundaries of technology, – computers wouldn’t be where they are today. Just when you buy a new video card, it’s out of date… Every time a technological standard is set, someone moves the fence just a bit further out. It might be frustrating as a consumer, -but in actuality we all win because of it. If you want to play the latest and greatest game, you have to get the latest gear.

Video cards cost hundreds of dollars, -web browsers are free. But all too often there is no reason to upgrade because web app programmers spend countless hours making their web apps reverse compatible. As an industry, we need to start giving people more reasons to upgrade, -and less excuses to stick with leaky old browsers. We need to make our web apps a driving force to get people to upgrade their browsers, the same way games make people update their hardware.

The lost time, and energy supporting legacy systems is holding our industry back.