Today Apple Released the Magic Mouse.

10/20/09 Joe

Picture 5

What’s great about designs like this is that they teach you one simple rule and invite you to explore more. At its basic level, the Magic Mouse can move your cursor. That aspect is as evident as with any other mouse. But if you can additionally grasp the fact that the entire surface is also interactive, your own exploration (not through a manual) will allow you to discover more power.

By swiping, dragging, and rubbing on the top of the mouse, you can achieve lots of interaction that a normal mouse can’t do. Less buttons and interface actually lead to more flexibility, and more features.

Also nice to see is that this product targets smart users. It gives the user credit. It’s not the McDonalds coffee cup that says “contents hot.” There just might be a tiny “smarts” barrier of entry to use this product- and that’s just fine.