More on the Jumpchart server
Yesterday afternoon we had the most downtime on Jumpchart that we’ve ever had. For several hours we were offline due to some faulty HD issues. We’re not going to name names, but suffice it to say that for quite some time we haven’t been getting the support from our host that we were hoping for.
Jumpchart is still a pretty small app traffic wise, and we have never really taxed our server too much. Still, Jumpchart has been rapidly growing, and we started to plan for a preventative move about a month ago. Since things seemed relatively stable, we weren’t rushing things, and planned to roll out a few new features concurrently with the server switch. Believe it or not, the server switch was planned for this coming weekend…
When the old server started hiccuping yesterday we worked with support at the old host to try and get things resolved. When it became apparent that this was not a small outage, we made the decision to go ahead and switch early. In hindsight, we’re pretty sure we made the right call as the outage continued for some time.
During the night and early this morning we’ve been wrestling with the usual things that go along with a switch. Reinstalling ssl, dns issues, etc. We can’t thank you enough for bearing with us. We really are doing our best to ensure that Jumpchart continues to be a thriving growing app with a really solid uptime average. There are still a few bugs we’re working through, – if you notice anything, don’t hesitate to send a support email. We’ll resolve things as soon as we can.
Out of the whole mess, there is at least one bit of good news. While we turned off a few of the nearly complete features we did leave one on that was finished. Jumpchart now offers custom sub-domains. If you would like to have a personalized login page, and a personalized url, just turn on the feature under your account tab. This is free of charge for all accounts. Look for more new features to appear as soon as we get everything humming on the new server.
Thanks again for the patience with the growing pains.