The Full Monty: The new Jumpchart UI

04/06/09 Paste Interactive

We’ve been teasing you with little bits and pieces of the new Jumpchart for long enough. It’s time to come clean and show you the whole picture; the full monty, as they say. This is the third post in series previewing the new Jumpchart, you can find the first two posts here: It’s all in the details: Preview of the new Jumpchart and More details on the new Jumpchart. So let’s get right to the point:

The Home Screen



As you can see, the meat and potatoes of the home screen remains the same, but we’ve totally refreshed the design.

Your Jumpchart



This is a direct comparison of a single column page in the old and the new Jumpchart. Notice the new page settings button on the bottom left. This is where you toggle the new two column layout. In addition (or maybe subtraction), more subtle menus and a much wider content area give you more than a fighting chance to stay focused on your content.

Editing your Jumpchart

Editing your Jumpchart


The content editing view in Jumpchart has changed significantly. While the basic functionality remains the same, we’ve made the Textile formatting palette much smaller. The new Textile formatting palette now sports a live list of the files you can embed in your content and a list of the other pages in your Jumpchart that you can link to. The new design effectively gives you two-click access to internal page links and files that you have uploaded to your Jumpchart.

Two columns

In case you missed our earlier preview post about the new two column layout, here is another image of the two column layout in action.


We hope you like what you see! We’ll be pushing the new Jumpchart out soon.