Feedback. When to Get it, When to Avoid it, and How Jumpchart Helps Keep Track of it All.

10/15/13 Kristin

If you’re using Jumpchart, you’re probably organizing content for a website project. And if you’re working on a website project, you probably know you’ll have to get feedback… at some point.

The hard part is deciding when. Early? Before you get into the nitty gritty? Or later? After you’ve already done the hard stuff? There are pluses and minuses to both. But because you’re using Jumpchart, you’re lucky… you can go either way and still stay on track. Here’s how.

Getting Feedback Early.

Picture this. You have big ideas for this site. You can’t wait to get started, but you’re working really closely with your client. Your idea of a partnership is a give and take – and that means feedback every step of the way. So you work through the architecture of the new site; that’s your step one. Maybe it goes something like this. Once you have that knocked out, it’s time to show your client. You have two options for letting your client see it. You can either invite them to the project (with full access, or read-only access – your choice!), or show them the public link to the site map. Inviting them to the project allows them to make comments on each page. Those comments will stay with you throughout the project’s existence, so you can always refer back to them to make sure you’re staying on the right track. You either get instant approval, or you and your client work through initial revisions together. Then you move on to the page-level content. Since you’ve already shown your client, they have access to your progress, and can provide feedback as you go. Your project progresses at a pace you’re both happy with, and as always, you can refer back to notes because they’re right there in your Jumpchart project.

Getting Feedback Later.

Or there’s the alternative – doing the bulk of the architecture work and content organization before getting feedback. Perhaps you (and your client!) prefer it this way, and that’s perfectly fine. Jumpchart is equipped to handle this workflow just as easily. Once you have all your i’s dotted and t’s crossed, show your client. You give them full access, and they make comments on each page. As you’re working through the edits, you have a linear path of what the client requested, and can visually show them when the work has been done. But it doesn’t end there. Because you gave your client full access when you invited them, they can make changes on their own – right there in the content section. You are always aware when changes are made because the recent events stream on the project homepage lets you know about any and all activity. But if they botch a bit of content by using grammar fit for a 4th grader, you can always go back in time by using the versioning feature. You can even choose to be emailed when a comment has been made, so you’re in the loop the whole time.

So, as you can see, whether you decide to get feedback out of the starting block, or halfway down the yellow brick road, Jumpchart helps make sure you do your job the best you can.