Play… At Work.

10/22/10 Kristin

You work, and you play. Why do they have to be separate things?

You love what you do, right? Otherwise, you wouldn’t choose to be doing it. So you do your work during the day, and then you go home and recharge by doing things like writing, reading, drawing, cooking, or whatever. You make it a point to keep these things separate, because you think they have to be.

It’s time to combine everything.

By bringing your hobbies to work, you’re making your work richer. Like Wes Anderson. Each piece of work he contributes to has a little piece of something extracurricular in it- and brings a whole new dynamic to the project.

Do what you do to recharge- don’t quit. Just do them at work. Channel that creative energy you use at home, and add a new perspective to that new modal editing menu you’re creating. You’ll be making your day more fun, while at the same time getting better at drawing… and design.