Cover to Cover.
Attorneys, doctors and accountants all are required to have continuing education throughout their careers. Web developers? Nope. In fact, our noble profession doesn’t even require a specific degree. You just say you are one, -and you are.
At Paste we all have degrees related to our assorted tasks. But we have been lacking in a formalized way to continue our education throughout our careers. Sure. Most of us are avid readers of blogs, and keep well up on current events in our industry, -but what about the hard stuff? The hard-won little bits that come from the deep reading of the history and tenets of our profession?
We’re starting a new program today. We’re a really small company so it’s not like “programs” are hard to roll out. But in order to formalize it a bit better for posterity, and because some of you might want to do the same. Here it is.
For all Paste employees:
- Purchase any design or programming related book.
- Read it cover to cover.
- Let everyone know about it.
- The cost of the book will be reimbursed.
- In addition you’ll get $50 for being a better employee.
- If you write a blog post review of the book, you’ll get another $50.
q. Will anyone do it?
a. I hope so. And I think so.
q. Will we go broke doing it?
a. I don’t think it’s possible to go broke making your employees better.
q. Will it improve our products and our workflow?
a. I don’t see how it couldn’t…