What would you do with a Staction API?

07/01/09 Paste Interactive

An API for Staction. It’s a pretty exciting concept to us and one that many Staction users have been asking about for some time. With a public API, all sorts of things are possible – after all, the goal of an API is to give you access to your data from outside of an app. And there certainly is a lot of data in Staction. We’ve been putting in a lot of thought into what an API for Staction might look like.

But all this thinking about what would go into an API, inevitably, got us to thinking about the possibilities of what could be built with one. And once we got to thinking about the possibilities we just couldn’t slow down! Here are just a few ideas that we came up with:

  • Desktop client: Enough said. It’s something we’ve all wanted for a long time.
  • Accounting App: Grabs time entries and compiles them by project, sends invoices.
  • Calendar App: Tracks your time logged on a calendar with each project outlined in a different color. Would be great to visualize where you’re spending your time.
  • Topics: We’ve been using hashtags to tag important information in Staction for quite some time now. This would be a great way to collect things like passwords or FTP details for all your servers and compile them by project name.

What about the rest of you Staction users out there? What kinds of applications would you like to see that would utilize an API? Or, perhaps the more logical first step should be, what would you like an API to have access to within Staction? If you’ve got a smoking idea for an application or want to suggest a specific feature for an API send us an email at info [at] pasteinteractive [dot] com and give us your two cents.

A public API for staction would be a major step forward and one that we’re super excited about. Stay tuned to the blog, there just might be some more info on an API coming soon.