Project(s) Management
There seems to be a real disconnect with project management tools today. They’re missing the plural… If you’re fortunate enough to have just one project to work on, or one project to manage, you are probably in love with all of the solutions in the market today. If you work on and manage many projects you probably feel a little strung out. You either have 50 RSS feeds booked, or you refresh a lot of pages in a day. You probably go to bed and convulsively twitch wondering if you should have looked at xyz project to see if anything changed or not…
If you talk to people in the project management biz, they’ll say they’re managing more projects now than ever before. At the speed of business today, it’s really critical that information is clear, succinct, and available. The worst enemies of a project manager are a neglected project, or a missed communication. One delayed email can potentially create many unproductive workers… Time and accuracy are of the essence when your work is being multiplied.
We’ve fought against this since day one. Managing silos of work has never been as important to us as managing work as a whole. Like with great art, -a painter does not start in one corner, and work in a detailed manner left to right top to bottom. He works on the whole canvas as one. It all needs done, -and he knows if he ignores any one part at the expense of the other, -the whole thing will crumble. So while he may agonize over a small part, he remains conscious of it’s relationship to the whole. Good project management follows this pattern. If you stick your head ostrich-like into one project, you’ll suffer from your lack of perspective of the whole.
While most apps tend to staple a “global view” or a “dashboard” on as an afterthought. A loose collection of reports that tell a partial story. We set out to make an app where the aerial view was the main view. An app where you spent the majority of your time surveying work as a whole rather than with your head up your own project.